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Seminarium "Challenges and Perspectives of Space Sustainability" - porozmawiajmy o zrównoważonym kosmosie

space sustainability

Seminarium "Challenges and Perspectives of Space Sustainability" - porozmawiajmy o zrównoważonym kosmosie

Zapraszamy na kolejne wirtualne seminarium, przygotowane we współpracy z prof. Loredaną Santo z Università di Roma Tor Vergata - członkinią zespołu UNIVERSEH. Już 14 maja porozmawiamy o kwestii zrównoważonego rozwoju kosmosu.

Zapraszamy na seminarium organizowane we współpracy z Università di Roma Tor Vergata!

Temat: "Challenges and Perspectives of Space Sustainability"

  • Data: 14.05.2024
  • Godzina: 14:00 - 15:00
  • Prowadząca: prof. Loredana Santo Università di Roma Tor Vergata
  • MS Teams
  • Rejestracja: Link do rejestracji
  • Język seminarium: angielski

Kilka słów o seminarium od Prowadzącej:

"Space sustainability is a challenging topic that needs a multidisciplinary approach.

It refers to the use of outer space for peaceful purposes and socioeconomic benefit now and in the long term. In such context, it can be understood in the broadest sense, from space debris cleaning, in-space manufacturing to the study of how Space is viewed in diverse cultures, to the implications that life on new planets can have on human beings and social community. Therefore, it affects the environment, society, and economy.

In this lecture, space sustainability is discussed with a focus on potential future life in outer space.

After a general description of the matter, examples of experimental research on advanced materials and structures for sustainability will be shown.

Finally, challenges and perspectives of space sustainability will be highlighted."
